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In February 2023, UMass Chan lost one of its giants. For over thirty years, Dr. Green was a central figure at UMass Chan, serving in numerous leadership roles, including professor and chair of MCCB, vice provost for strategic research initiatives, director of the UMass Cancer Center, and co-director of the Li Weibo Institute for Rare Diseases Research. His dedication to UMass Chan helped it evolve into the powerhouse research engine it is today. Learn more about Dr. Green’s research and contributions to UMass Chan here

The Michael R. Green, MD, PhD, Award in Graduate Research was established in 2024 to celebrate Dr. Green's legacy as a scientific researcher in diverse fields—including gene regulation, epigenetics and cancer—and as a mentor to young scientists. This annual award recognizes outstanding graduate students at UMass Chan whose accomplishments, perseverance and commitment to research excellence have distinguished them from their peers.

Read about the recipients and their research projects here.

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What is it?

The Michael R. Green, MD, PhD, Award in Graduate Research is given to PhD or MD/PhD students at UMass Chan who have demonstrated research excellence in the field of either cancer biology or molecular biology.

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How are the funds used?

100% of donations contribute to a UMass Chan Medical School Fund dedicated for this award. Awards are made annually through a competitive funding mechanism, based on scientific merit, directly to students and can be used for any valid costs in support of their studies.

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How do I make a donation?

Make a donation through a secure UMass Chan Medical School Giving form.
