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 Professional Development and Support 

UMass Chan Medical School is committed to training postdoctoral researchers and providing them with the resources they need to succeed.

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Established in 2009, the Office for Postdoctoral Scholars serves as a resource for postdocs at UMass Chan and aims to promote, support and enhance postdoctoral training at the institution.

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The Center for Biomedical Career Development provides resources and services for postdocs, including information about career-specific events and workshops, opportunities for skills development, career pathways, and relevant job postings in the biomedical sciences. 

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The UMass Chan Postdoc Association aims to enhance the professional and personal experiences of postdoctoral researchers by fostering an interconnected community and providing resources, professional development, advocacy and representation.

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 Individual Development Planning 

An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a tool designed to help plan and achieve goals in research, skill development and career advancement. All postdocs receive training in creating an IDP as part of the course Professionalism and Research Conduct (BBS 601), which is required for all postdocs within three months of hire. Postdocs are encouraged to draft an IDP annually and discuss their goals with their research advisor and other mentors, including professionals with in-depth knowledge about the career paths the postdoc is targeting. The Center for Biomedical Career Development provides resources to help postdocs create and implement an IDP.