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Our lab is featured in the new book “Brown Adipose Tissue Methods & Protocols” of which David Guertin is co-editor

Date Posted: Tuesday, March 01, 2022

brown adipose tissue methods and protocols.jpgDavid Guertin is an editor of the newly published book titled Brown Adipose Tissue Methods and Protocols in the Methods in Molecular Biology series.  It’s filled with perspectives and detailed protocols written by many of the leaders in the brown adipose tissue field and is available in PubMed.  The Guertin Lab is included in the book with the chapter “Stable Isotope Tracing and Metabolomics to Study In Vivo Brown Adipose Tissue Metabolic Fluxes.”  The chapter discusses developing protocols to investigate new metabolic pathways of Brown Adipose Tissue.

The series has been published for 35 years to provide research protocols and methodologies for biological scientists.  The book’s preface states that these books were the first to introduce the step-by-step protocols approach that has become the standard in all biomedical protocol publishing. Each protocol provides an overview, a reproducible step-by-step description, and a list of materials and reagents needed to complete the experiment.  That’s followed by a detailed procedure as well as tips & tricks and troubleshooting advice.

The book can be purchased as an e-book or as a hardcover here