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Lab News

Total: displaying 5 out of 38 results
  • Congratulations Dr. John Haley for a Successful Thesis Defense

    Congratulations to Dr. John Haley for a Successful Defense

    Newly minted PhD, John Haley will be joining the new Metabolomics Core Facility being launched in the Program in Molecular Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School.  

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  • John Haley Metabolism Award

    John Haley Awarded Emerging Scientist in Metabolism by Weill Cornell Medicine

    PhD candidate John Haley was named the 2023 Emerging Scientist in Metabolism by Weill Cornell Medicine.  He was awarded the top prize in a national competition for senior graduate students who are conducting metabolism research. Haley plans to pursue post-doctoral training focusing on the intersection of metabolism and signaling.

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  • Flaviane Silva, PhD

    Flaviane Silva joins the lab as Postdoctoral Researcher

    Flaviane Silva earned her PhD at the University of Sau Paulo, Brazil, focusing on adipose tissue plasticity and hypercortisolism.  She joins us to explore the regulation and function of adipocyte thermogenesis pathways aiming to identify new disease mechanisms and therapeutic targets.

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  • Keystone Symposium 2023 Colorado

    Keystone Symposia 2023

    The Guertin lab had a strong presence at the 2023 joint Keystone meeting Adipose Tissue: Energizing the Good Fat running jointly with Bioenergetics in Health and Disease in Colorado. Kate Korobkina received a Riccio travel award for UMass Chan Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences students to present her research. Kate, fellow graduate student John Haley, and postdoc Marie Isidor, PhD presented posters. Marie received a travel award from the Novo Nordisk Center for Basic Research that also supports her postdoctoral research. Dr. Guertin was invited to present the lab's recent work on adipose tissue metabolic fluxes.  Photos

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  • Acetyl-CoA Metabolism in Cancer

    Review on Acetyl-CoA Metabolism in Cancer in Nature Reviews Cancer

    David Guertin published a review on Acetyl-CoA Metabolism in Cancer in the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Cancer with close collaborator, Katy Wellen from the University of Pennsylvania.  Dysregulation of acetyl-CoA processes can promote tumor growth but dysfunctional acetyl-CoA metabolism is also central to obesity and type 2 diabetes.  Thus, the work discussed in this review is broadly relevant to human diseases.  

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  • Brown Adipose Tissue

    Review Article in Trends in Biochemical Sciences Describes the Multi-omlcs Era of Adipocyte Insulin Signaling and Metabolism

    Proteomics and metabolomics are advancing the understanding of insulin signaling focusing on white and brown adipocytes.  In this review article, we describe how integrating the two ‘omics techniques is critical to clarifying adipocyte insulin action in Type 2 diabetes.  The article raises questions for future investigation with important implications for understanding and treating insulin resistance, obesity and metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes. 

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  • Brown Adipose Tissue Methods and Protocols

    Our lab is featured in the new book “Brown Adipose Tissue Methods & Protocols” of which David Guertin is co-editor

    The Guertin Lab is featured in the new book Brown Adipose Tissue Methods and Protocols in the Methods in Molecular Biology series with a chapter titled “Stable Isotope Tracing and Metabolomics to Study In Vivo Brown Adipose Tissue Metabolic Fluxes.”  Dr. Guertin is also the book's co-editor.

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  • John Haley

    John Haley receives NIH fellowship to research metabolic signaling in the liver

    PhD student John Haley was awarded a Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award from the National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The four-year fellowship will allow him to study the impact that signaling and metabolic pathways have on a nutrient-sensing complex in the liver.

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  • TeYueh Lin post-doctoral fellow

    TeYueh Lin joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow

    TeYueh Lin (Derek) joined our lab as a postdoctoral fellow and will be investigating mechanisms of nutrient sensing and metabolic signaling in fat cells (adipocytes).     

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  • Qingbo Chen Senior Research Scientist

    Qingbo Chen joins the lab as a Senior Research Scientist

    Qingbo Chen joins us as a Senior Research Scientist to study cellular mechanisms by which fat cells (adipocytes) adapt to dietary and environmental stress.  He recently completed a successful postdoc in The Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology (MCCB) Center at UMass Chan.   

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  • Marie Sophie Lykke Isidor

    Marie Sophie Lykke Isidor joined our lab as a Visiting Scholar from the University of Copenhagen

    Marie Sophie Lykke Isidor joined our lab in October as a Visiting Scholar from the University of Copenhagen.  Dr. Isidor was awarded a prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship from the European Union.  Her research project is examining how brown adipose tissue (BAT) uses glucose. Dr. Isidor’s GLUCOBAT project will expand our understanding of how thermogenic adipose tissue utilizes glucose in vivo.  

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  • Mello Award

    Kate Korobkina named Mello Scholar

    Ekaterina Korobkina was named a Mello Scholar by the Program in Molecular Medicine.  It's named after Nobel Laureate Craig Mello and recognizes deserving graduate students. The award comes with one year of funding to continue her research studying mechanisms of nutrient sensing in cells and tissues focusing in mTORC2 regulation and thermogenesis pathways. Photos & Full Story

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  • Brown Adipose Tissue

    Tracking and Discovering New Functions of Glucose in Brown Fat

    In a new study published in Cell Reports, the Guertin Lab learned that Brown adipose tissue (BAT) uses glucose not only for fuel, but for many other metabolic pathways that support thermogenesis.  This was possible through adapting a new technique and strategy to track how brown fat uses the individual atoms of glucose as they are consumed by the brown fat tissue.

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  • Fluharty rejoin the lab

    Shelagh Fluharty rejoins our lab

    Former summer intern Shelagh Fluharty graduated from St. Michael's College summer intern in May 2021 with a B.S. in Neuroscience and a minor in Chemistry, and plans to attend graduate school. She's rejoined our lab as a full-time research assistant. 

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  • Camila Martinez Calejman fellowship

    Camila Martinez Calejman awarded a CONICET fellowship

    Congratulations to post-doctoral fellow Camila Martinez Calejman for winning a CONICET repatriation transition fellowship.  This prestigious award is designed to help talented researchers, who have trained at foreign institutions, to return home to lead their own independent research labs in Argentina. 

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  • Huawei Li

    Congratulations to Huawei Li promoted to Senior Research Associate

    Congratulations to Huawei Li on being promoted to Senior Research Associate. Huawei is an original member of the lab and has been a cornerstone of our existence. She has many critical roles including managing our mouse colony and animal protocol, overseeing day-to-day operations and ordering, in addition to performing research.  Her promotion is well deserved.

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  • Su Myung Jung

    Su-Myung Jung accepted a faculty position at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea

    Congratulations to post-doctoral fellow Su-Myung Jung who accepted a faculty position as a tenure track assistant professor at Sungkyunkwan University.  Not only is it one of the top five universities in South Korea, but it's also his alma mater. 

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  • Kate Korobkina

    Kate Korobkina passed her qualifying exam

    Congratulations to our newest graduate student Kate Korobkina on passing her qualifying exam. We're excited to have Kate in the lab.  She'll be studying mechanisms of nutrient sensing in cells and tissues focusing in mTORC2 regulation and thermogenesis pathways. 

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  • Chien-Min Hung Microbio

    Graduate student alumni Chien-Min Hung hired at MICROBIO

    Congratulations to Guertin lab graduate student alumni Chien-Min Hung, who recently started working for MICROBIO where he's studying the connection between gut microbiota and Type 2 diabetes. He recently completed a successful post-doc with Reuben Shaw at the Salk institute working on autophagy. Chien-Min graduated from our lab in 2016 after discovering a new role for mTORC2 in regulating brown fat activity. 

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  • Wen Yu Hsiao UMass  Emory

    Wen-Yu Hsiao MD, PhD accepted into the pathology residency program at Emory University School of Medicine

    Congratulations to former Guertin lab graduate student Wen-Yu Hsiao MD, PhD, on her acceptance into the pathology residency program at Emory University School of Medicine.  During her residency, Wen-Yu will participate in both basic science and translational research, and we know she's well prepared to become a leader.  During her time spent in our lab she worked on the role of mTORC2 signaling in adipose tissue development. 

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  • Cell Reports

    mTORC2 signaling study published in Cell Reports

    Newly published data in Cell Reports describes mTOR Complex 2 signaling pathway research taking place in the Guertin Lab. The responses we've observed in fat cells may uncover new strategies to improve insulin sensitivity.

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  • Will Doxsey

    Former summer intern Will Doxsey joins our lab as a full-time Research Assistant

    Former UMass Amherst summer intern Will Doxsey returns to our lab as a full-time research assistant.  He graduated in May 2020 with a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from UMass Amherst.  Will's twin brother Dylan (with matching credentials) joined the lab of our awesome neighbor, Dr. Kuang Shen, who like Dr. Guertin is also a Sabatini lab alum!  Photos

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  • Wen Yu Hsiao, MD

    Wen-Yu Hsiao defends her thesis

    Congratulations to Wen-Yu Hsiao, MD, for successfully defending her thesis. Her project explored how nutrient sensing signal transduction pathways regulate the growth of adipose tissues. Wen-Yu is going to Seattle, WA to pursue a career in pathology. Best of luck, we'll miss you!  Photos

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  • professor

    Dr. Guertin promoted to Professor at UMass Chan Medical School

    Congratulations to Dr. Guertin on his promotion to full Professor!  Dave joined the Program in Molecular Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School as an Assistant Professor in 2009 after his post-doc with David Sabatini at the Whitehead Institute. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2014 and received tenure in 2017.  Dave was previously a graduate student at UMass with Dannel McCollum. 

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  • Study published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics

    Study published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics

    Collaborating with a proteomics lab at the University of Washington, Dr. Camila Martinez-Calejman examined time dependent changes in mTORC2 signaling following insulin stimulation in mature brown adipocytes. 

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  • mTORC2 signaling study published in Nature Communications

    mTORC2 signaling study published in Nature Communications

    A study by Camila Martinez Calejman, PhD, published in the journal Nature Communications revealed an unexpected link between mTOR signaling and the synthesis of Acetyl-CoA, a molecule with critical roles in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and the epigenetic control of gene expression.  It describes the importance of this link in brown adipose tissue, but the implications may extend to understanding other aspects of type 2 diabetes and cancer.  

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  • Postdoc Amelia Luciano excels on Major League Rugby field

    Postdoc Amelia Luciano excels on Major League Rugby field

    When Ameila isn't investigating the regulation of mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2) in cancer, she enjoys officiating rugby matches. She was recently named one of the top Major League Rugby officials in the United States. 

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  • Metabolic Network Connects UMass Chan Medical School Researchers

    Metabolic Network Connects UMass Chan Medical School Researchers

    The UMass Chan Medical School Metabolic Network is a campus-wide special interest group that connects the many laboratories and scientists who study various facets of metabolism and metabolic regulation. Regular MetNet meetings will feature in-house lectures and external invited experts, and provide attendees the opportunity to learn new biology, find potential collaborators, and advance new technologies. 

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  • Current Diabetes Report Adyposite

    Adipocyte metabolism review in Current Diabetes Reports

    Wen-Yu presents an interesting perspective based on recent findings about what makes a fat cell “healthy” and why.  Our lab continues to examine how the metabolism of adipocytes impacts blood glucose and insulin resistance especially in people living with obesity and/or type 2 diabetes. 

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  • John Haley - Guertin Lab

    John Haley named Mello Scholar

    John Haley of the Guertin Lab was named a Mello Scholar by The Program in Molecular Medicine.  The award is named after Nobel Laureate Craig Mello and recognizes deserving graduate students with one year of funding. 

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  • Molecular Cell Guertin Lab mTORC2

    New mTORC2 research published in Molecular Cell

    Su Myung Jung, PhD and former graduate student Chien-Min Hung, celebrate co-first authorship on a paper published in Molecular Cell.  They found that inhibiting mTORC2 in brown fat can protect against obesity and fatty liver disease. They went on to show that the mechanism is at least in part through a non-canonical pathway involving the deacetylase SIRT6 and the transcription factor FoxO1.  Photos

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  • Lorena Mazuecos Fernandez-Pacheco awarded fellowship to train in Guertin Lab

    Lorena Mazuecos Fernandez-Pacheco awarded fellowship to train in Guertin Lab

    Lorena joins us as a visiting scientist from the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain.  The Government of Spain-Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness awards Predoctoral Mobility Grants to talented graduate students to receive temporary training in foreign research and development centers.  She'll be working with us to study mechanisms linking adipose tissue dysfunction to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.   

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  • Amelia Luciano awarded American Cancer Society fellowship

    Amelia Luciano awarded American Cancer Society fellowship

    Congratulations to Amelia on this prestigious award!  The American Cancer Society fellowship promotes the careers of young, talented, forward-thinking cancer researchers who are within three years of receiving a doctoral degree and training for an independent career in cancer research.  Amelia’s project focuses on understanding the regulation of mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2) in cancer. 

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  • Camila Martinez Calejman presented at FASEB Glucose Metabolism Conference

    Camila Martinez Calejman presented at FASEB Glucose Metabolism Conference

    Congratulations to Camila for being selected to give a platform presentation at the FASEB Regulation of Glucose Metabolism Conference in Palm Springs, California.  She was also awarded a travel grant.  Camila presented her research on the downstream functions of mTORC2 in brown adipocytes, Elucidating mTORC2 action in brown adipocyte metabolism reveals its specific role in controlling acetyl CoA synthesis.  Photos

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  • Peter Lee defends his thesis

    Peter Lee defends his thesis

    Congratulations to Peter for successfully defending his thesis.  Peter is a UMass Chan Medical School MD/PhD candidate.  He conducted his research in the Guertin Lab about the role of mTORC1 in adipose tissue, and was the recipient of an NIH MD/PhD Fellowship Award in 2015.  Peter has returned to medical school to finish his rotations.  Best of luck, we will miss you!  Photos

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  • Yuefeng Tang, PhD

    Yuefeng Tang advances to Program in Applied Mathematics & Statistics at Stony Brook

    Yuefeng is did seminal work on uncovering the key role mTORC2 in the regulation of de novo lipogenesis and ChREBP in white adipose tissue.  He also made many critical contributions to other projects in the lab during his time with us.  A cornerstone of the Guertin Lab, Yuefeng brought passion and a smile every day, and he we will be missed.  He has advanced to the Program in Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Stony Brook University and we wish him the best of luck and future success. Farewell Photo

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  • Su Myung Jung

    Su Myung Jung speaks at Keystone

    Congratulations to Su for being selected to speak at the “Bioenergetics and Metabolic Disease” Keystone meeting in Keystone, Colorado.  He also received a travel award and presented a poster.  Su presented his research of the role of mTORC2 signaling in brown fat and whole-body regulation of lipid storage.  Photo     

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  • Juan Sanchez Gurmaches moving on to faculty position in Cincinnati

    Juan Sanchez Gurmaches moving on to faculty position in Cincinnati

    Congratulations to Juan who is off to start his own lab at Cincinnati Children's Hospital as a tenure-track Assistant Professor.  We look forward to (continued) great successes from the Sanchez-Gurmaches lab.

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