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[PAGE TYPE] Blog Listing Page

The blog listing page will display the most recent blogs posts and list a set of blocks on the right (recent posts, categories/tags and archives). Settings can be adjusted to display only certain blocks on the right or filter what blog posts show. The listing can be set to display as a list or in a card grid view format.

Blog categories/tags are created by the editor and can be used to tag posts so they can be set to filter the blog listing page. These tags also appear in a block in the right column to help viewers find related posts. Tags will only display in the blog tag block if there is at least 1 post tagged with that category.

The recent blogs block and blog archive block are dynamic and generic lists that also help viewers find relavant posts.

Blog posts are created in a structured container. Each blog will have year containers which contain month containers. Editors can create just the years and months they need. The reason for keeping posts in a structure way helps with SEO (serach engine optimization) as the structure is what generates the URL. EX: /blog/blog-posts/2014/01/sample/ - we can infer this was a post written in January of 2014. This is also how we build the lnks in the blog archive block. 

[PAGE TYPE] Blog Post Page

teaser ... Spurred on by my observations at work, I have come up with a list of things to avoid as a doctor in a hospital setting (especially for interns and medical students):

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