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Grigorieff Lab

The Grigorieff lab develops new and improved methods in electron cryo-microscopy(cryo-EM) that increase the resolution of three-dimensional reconstructions of biological structures. This enables them, and future investigators, to better study the structures of biological macromolecules and understand how they are linked to their functions.

Scientists in the Grigorieff lab are involved in working towards developing tools to aid in the global COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Sarah Loerch is collaborating with the Dinman lab (UMaryland) to develop a drug screen to test FDA-approved drugs for their efficacy to perturb steps in the COVID-19 replication cycle. Specifically, she is trying to perturb so-called-1 Ribosomal Programmed Frameshifting, which the virus depends on during replication. Sarah also volunteered to help with COVID-19 sample testing.
  • Bronwyn Lucas has joined a group of scientists from the CDC and elsewhere to found a non-profit that assembles information on how to decontaminate personal protective equipment, especially masks, for hospital staff.

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