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Recent Publications

Faculty and Resident Publications

Role of ultrasound in the evaluation of first-trimester pregnancies in the acute setting
Venkatesh A. Murugan, Bryan O’Sullivan Murphy, Carolyn Dupuis, Alan Goldstein, Young H. Kim Ultrasonography. 2020;39(2):178-189.  

Breaking the Stereotype: Interventions Aimed at Changing Medical Student Misperceptions of Radiology and Increasing the Female Match Rate. Victoria Podsiadlo and Carolynn DeBenedectis. Academic Radiology, 2020 Feb 10, PMID: 32057616

JACOR Emergency Radiology issue edited by Hemang Kotecha, DO with contributions from UMass Faculty and Residents. Full list of articles and authors.

Impact of Age, Race, and Socioeconomic Status on Women's Perceptions and Preferences Regarding Communication of Estimated Breast Cancer Risk. N. Amornsiripanitch, S.M. Ameri, R.J. Goldberg. Academic Radiology. May 03, 2020, DOI:

Promoting Well-Being in Radiology Residency: A Primer for Program Directors

Eric England, Maitray D. Patel, Sheryl Jordan, Vivek Kalia, Kamran Ali, Carolynn M. DeBenedectis, Glenn C. Gaviola, Christopher P. Ho, James M. Milburn, Seng Ong, David S. Sarkany, Ann K. Jay, Jessica B. Robbins, Darel E. Heitkamp. Academic radiology. May 01, 2020

Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery recommendations for the care of emergent neurointerventional patients in the setting of covid-19

Justin F. Fraser, Ajit S. Puri. Journal of neurointerventional surgery. April 15, 2020

The Relationship Between US Medical Licensing Examination Step Scores and ABR Core Examination Outcome and Performance: A Multi-institutional Study

Author(s): Maitray D. Patel, Courtney M. Tomblinson, Thad Benefield, Kamran Ali, Carolynn M. DeBenedectis, Eric England, Glenn C. Gaviola, Christopher P. Ho, Ann K. Jay, James M. Milburn, Seng Ong, Jessica B. Robbins, David S. Sarkany, Darel E. Heitkamp, Sheryl G. Jordan. Journal of the American College of Radiology:JACR. March 24, 2020