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Pediatrician Praise for Dr. Rissmiller

Dr. Julia Rissmiller, Pediatric Radiologist, UMass Memorial Healthcare
Dr. Julia Rissmiller
A letter addressed to Lawrence Rhein, MD, Chair of Pediatrics, from pediatrician William Zawatski praising the efforts of Pediatric Radiologist Julia Rissmiller, MD during the Covid-19 panademic, was forwarded to Radiology Department Chair, Max Rosen. Nicely done, thank you Dr. Rissmiller and the Radiology Ultrasound staff!
March 31, 2020
Hi Larry,
I had a great experience collaborating with UMass providers yesterday and I want to let you know about it.  I saw a 10 day old baby in the office with repeated episodes of emesis.  The history was concerning for pyloric stenosis.  I wanted to avoid sending the baby to the ER so I spoke to Dr. Rissmiller in radiology and she squeezed the baby in for an urgent ultrasound in the late afternoon.  I am fairly certain that she and the ultrasound tech stayed longer to make this happen.  The baby did have pyloric stenosis and Dr. Rissmiller called me immediately and was also kind enough to contact Dr. Aidlen.  The baby was then directly admitted to the surgical service from the ultrasound suite.  The care was seamless and outstanding.  It is great to have such skilled and compassionate providers right around the corner!
William Zawatski, MD, MPH
Division of Community Pediatrics