Elizabeth (she/her) is a 90-year-old woman living with progressive dementia. She lives with her daughter Maria and has limited financial resources. She has trouble swallowing food and is losing weight. Elizabeth has had more angry outbursts and Maria is feeling guilty as she decides whether to place her mother in a nursing facility.
The palliative care team meets Maria over video telehealth while Elizabeth is treated for pneumonia with antibiotics and oxygen by the UMass Hospital at Home Program. Our team helps manage Elizabeth’s agitation and provides emotional and practical support her daughter. After Elizabeth recovers, we continue our care through telehealth and home visits with community partners to help her remain at home.
Meet our partners:
Hospital at Home – Taki Michaelidis, MD
Notre Dame Palliative Care at Home – Elizabeth Kay, MS, CNP, GNP-BC, ACHPN, and Steve Burokas, NP
VNA Care Network – Kerry O’Connor, NP