Lifeline for Families Promotes Whole Family Health
by Building Bridges Between Caregiver and Child Mental Health
Addressing Family and Child Mental Health:
Why It Matters
Nurturing children to health helps create healthy adults. Cultivating healthy parents and caregivers is critical to raising healthy children.
Healthy families lay the foundation for a productive society. Promoting the mental health of and relationship between parents, caregivers, and children can improve multi-generational outcomes—and positively impact the lives of millions.

Optimizing Perinatal Mental Health
Perinatal refers to the period during pregnancy and up to 1 year after delivery. During this critical time, 1 in 5 individuals will experience a mental health or substance use disorder. Without a system in place to help individuals, most go undiagnosed and untreated.
At Lifeline for Moms, we’ve developed the first population-level, sustainable Perinatal Psychiatry Access Program—MCPAP for Moms—that’s become a national model for similar programs across the United States. This network of perinatal mental health care Access Programs collectively covers 1.9 million of 3.6 million U.S. births.
By coupling this model with our evidence-based interventions, we are improving perinatal mental health care around the world. See how our Lifeline for Moms team is helping health care professionals address mental health and substance use conditions in their communities.
Transforming Child Mental Health Care
At Lifeline for Kids, we develop and teach practical approaches to implementing trauma-informed care in nontraditional settings. In one statewide child trauma center alone, we have trained more than 50,000 professionals in trauma-responsive practices, impacting the lives of millions of children.
We’ve also created an innovative referral system that connects youth who have experienced trauma to trauma-informed mental health clinicians that can best meet their needs. This system—LINK-KID— has drastically cut wait times for families and changed the lives of more than 5,000 families and counting. Find out more about the work we’re doing at Lifeline for Kids.
Get to Know the Lifeline for Families Team
Our multidisciplinary team of experts includes leaders in psychiatry, psychology, obstetrics and gynecology (ob/gyn), and pediatrics. Leveraging our collective expertise and deep relationships with community partners, we’re increasing access to and engagement in evidence-based perinatal and child mental health care. Meet our leadership team.
Lifeline for Families Mental Health Care Resources
We rigorously develop and test all our interventions, trainings, toolkits, and products in partnership with medical, psychiatric, and community-based caregivers. Our products include apps, fact sheets, eModules, podcasts, and trainings in live and virtual formats available in both English and Spanish.
See our Lifeline for Moms resources for:
See our Lifeline for Kids resources for:
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Through our research, interventions, and use of inclusive language, we’re proactively addressing health disparities in mental health. Read our equity pledge and learn more about our commitment to equity in mental health.