Department-Specific Resources:
Members of our department have access to the scientific writing services of the experts at Life Science Editors. Services include editing of manuscripts, grants and job applications; continuous writing support for grants, manuscripts and annual reviews; and coaching on long-term project storyboarding, framing narratives for publication, and building presentations.
Department-Housed Core Facilities:
- Structure Based Drug Design run by Dr. Ala M. Shaqra in the Schiffer Lab
- X-Ray Crystallography Core run by Dr. Ala M. Shaqra in the Schiffer Lab
- Small Molecule Screening Facility run by Dr. Paul Thompson
- Mass Spectrometry Facility
- Cryo-EM Core Facility run by Dr. Chen Xu
- NMR Facility run by Dr. Akbar Ali
A Sampling of Relevant UMass Chan Core Facilities:
- Transgenic Animal Modeling Core
- Image Processing & Analysis Core
- Electron Microscopy Facility
- Deep Sequencing Core
- Bioinformatics Core
- The Sanderson Center for Optical Experimentation (SCOPE)
- Flow Cytometry Core
- Biospecimen, Tissue and Tumor Bank
- Mouse Behavioral Core