[block Type] Profiles faculty - department view
The Profiles Faculty Listing Block will list faculty from Profiles.umassmed.edu.
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Profiles faculty - department view
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Total Count: 90
Pages: 1 of 9
Dr. Pegah Afra is a Clinical Professor of Neurology, Senior Co-Director of Intraoperative Monitoring & Co-Director of Epilepsy Monitoring Unit in UMass Chan Med School & UMMH. Her practice focuses on Clinical Neurophysiology (IOM, EEG, ICEEG), devices & Epilepsy. Her research involves Pharma-& Device-Clinical Trials, interest in Magnetic Neurophysiology & aberrations of human cognitive function. -
Dr. Almeida’s primary focus is elucidating the molecular mechanisms of frontotemporal dementia (FTD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Her main strategy employs patient-derived, induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines to generate disease-relevant neuronal cells. -
Dr. Bella has a special interest in the clinical, electromyographic and pathological aspects of neuromuscular disorders. Bella is the primary investigator at UMass for the multicenter study "Arrhythmias in Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy". -
Idanis Berrios Morales, MD, is a board-certified neurologist and educator with clinical subspecialty training in neuroimmunology and multiple sclerosis. Her research interest is shared decision making in patients with multiple sclerosis. -