Card Grid Style: compact

This is a taxonomy search block displaying blog posts in a column format. 
Grid Card style: compact
Sort by: sort index (follow content tree)

Getting Results…
  • charles-emerson-fshd.jpg

    [PAGE TYPE] Blog Post Page

    Using Meta Descriptiong ... Spurred on by my observations at work, I have come up with a list of things to avoid as a doctor in a hospital setting (especially for interns and medical students):

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  • 2020-som-grad-cover-660.png

    Blog posts

    These are among the most expensive rentals in the country, but they may provide you with your one shot at testing the limits of a supercar, pulling 2g around a turn or lounging on yards of natural leather. Here are the top exotic car rentals in the nation and where you can get them.

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  • wcforbl-2-660.jpg

    Explore the Galapagos’ biodiversity with Street View

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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  • quality improvement.jpg

    Things to do in August

    Nulla tempus fermentum nisl, et luctus justo pretium in. Donec quis egestas libero. Mauris ac tempus risus, id auctor lacus. Curabitur arcu neque, malesuada ut accumsan id, condimentum et arcu. Vestibulum molestie nulla eget mauris lacinia efficitur.

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  • 2017final.JPG

    Most radical rental cars

    Things like gull-wing doors, teak paneling and $450,000 price tags don't make sense for most people's everyday car. But exotic-car rental agencies nationwide offer the chance to sample brands such as Bentley, McLaren and Bugatti for a day without having to lay down hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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  • accordion block image

    My new post

    This is my teaser for SEO

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Page Menu

[BLOCK TYPE] Taxonomy Search block using Blog

In the Top Slider content area above, we have a Taxonomy Search block set to "compact" so it will stretch to fit the entire area and use as many columns as it can to fill the space. In this case, there are 5 columns, 4 if your browser is at a smaller width. 

Using the grid style property, you can set the cards to be larger making less columns (as we did in the footer content area using the setting of medium), or dropping the block to the veritcal content area which will result in only 3 columns as seen below.

Card Grid Style: compact

This is a taxonomy search block displaying blog posts in a column format. 
Grid Card style: compact
Sort by: sort index (follow content tree)

Getting Results…
  • charles-emerson-fshd.jpg

    [PAGE TYPE] Blog Post Page

    Using Meta Descriptiong ... Spurred on by my observations at work, I have come up with a list of things to avoid as a doctor in a hospital setting (especially for interns and medical students):

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  • 2020-som-grad-cover-660.png

    Blog posts

    These are among the most expensive rentals in the country, but they may provide you with your one shot at testing the limits of a supercar, pulling 2g around a turn or lounging on yards of natural leather. Here are the top exotic car rentals in the nation and where you can get them.

    Read more
  • wcforbl-2-660.jpg

    Explore the Galapagos’ biodiversity with Street View

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    Read more
  • quality improvement.jpg

    Things to do in August

    Nulla tempus fermentum nisl, et luctus justo pretium in. Donec quis egestas libero. Mauris ac tempus risus, id auctor lacus. Curabitur arcu neque, malesuada ut accumsan id, condimentum et arcu. Vestibulum molestie nulla eget mauris lacinia efficitur.

    Read more
  • 2017final.JPG

    Most radical rental cars

    Things like gull-wing doors, teak paneling and $450,000 price tags don't make sense for most people's everyday car. But exotic-car rental agencies nationwide offer the chance to sample brands such as Bentley, McLaren and Bugatti for a day without having to lay down hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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  • accordion block image

    My new post

    This is my teaser for SEO

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