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emergency medicine

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  • Allison Ensign LaRusso, MD

    Allison Ensign LaRusso, MD

    Dr. LaRusso is an Instructor in Emergency Medicine in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the UMass Chan Medical School and an attending physician for UMass...

  • Ameer Ibrahim, MD, MS, FACEP

    Ameer Ibrahim, MD, MS, FACEP

    MD, MS, FACEP Assistant Professor of EM Director of Resident Simulation


    Andrew Milsten MD, MS

    Dr. Milsten received his MD from the George Washington University, completed his residency in Emergency Medicine at the Lincoln Medical Center in New York City ...


    Anthony M. Montoya, MD

    Dr. Montoya is currently an attending Emergency Physician and Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine after finishing his Fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound.


    Benjamin Terry, MD

    Dr. Benjamin Terry is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine. He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Emergency Medicine Residency and did his...


    Chad E. Darling, M.D.

    Dr. Darling is faculty member in the Department of Emergency Medicine.He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and the Dartmouth Medical School.


    Constance Nichols, MD, MS, FACEP

    Dr. Nichols is an attending physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine and a clinical associate professor of Emergency Medicine in the UMass Chan Medical...


    D. Eric Brush, MD

    Dr. Brush is a graduate of the Fellowship in Toxicology in the Department of Emergency Medicine.