Page Menu

News Listing & Link List Block

Use the page menu to see examples of listing blocks.

There are bulleted lists below to test. After the UL and OL lists, the first 3 lists should show horizontally. The next 4 - vertically. Make sure to check for any spacing issues and update the CSS for (if needed):

  • left and right columns
    • .col.col-side .classname
    • second bullet
      • first bullet
      • second bullet
        • one more indent
  • main column
    • .col.col-main .classname
  • Horizontal column
    • .col-container .col .classname
  1. left and right columns
    1. .col.col-side .classname
    2. second bullet
      1. first bullet
      2. second bullet
        1. one more indent
  2. main column
    1. .col.col-main .classname
  3. Horizontal column
    1. .col-container .col .classname

Generic Listing Block

Generic Listing Block

Generic Listing Block