Tip of the month

"Want to help reduce the amount of time your submission is under IRB review? Use the NEW Investigator IRB Pre-Check checklist! This checklist identifies issues that commonly delay review of new study submissions. The Pre-Check has been designed with input from study teams (Thank you, to those who contributed!). This will help to facilitate a smooth review process and shorten time to IRB approval. If you have a new study that has not yet received a pre-review from the IRB office, we encourage you to use the checklist and to update your study documents now while you are waiting for an IRB review. For questions, please email us at IRB@umassmed.edu or join us in Office Hours. Thanks!"

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Diversity & Inclusion

The Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing at the UMass Chan Medical School is a dynamic academic community where staff, students and faculty come together to advance the mission of preparing nurse scientists, advanced practice nurses, nurse educators and nurse leaders who will improve the health and well-being of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and beyond.