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Welcome to Barre, MA!

Small town. The great outdoors and classic New England. That is Barre, located only 20 miles away from Worcester ("the big city", as some of the locals affectionately call it!) You will find no CVS here - just a local town pharmacy that is known to stay open late to accommodate town residents who need medication!

Barre is 60 miles away from Boston and accessible to all of the major highways. When you visit us, be sure to check out some of the local happenings below!
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Local Links

Official Town of Barre website
Hardwick Winery
Mid-State Trail (hiking)
Rutland State Park
Quabbin Reservoir (campground) 
Wachusett Mountain Ski Area

Barre Players Theater
Harding Allen Estate
Picasso's Restaurant (a favorite choice for our resident dinners with applicants) 
Barre Mill Restaurant

Wachusett Greenways Rail Trail
Listening Wellness Center

Barre Next town shot