1 half-day per week in the Health Center |
3-4 half-days per week in the Health Center |
Tuesday afternoons are protected for educational activities. Family Medicine and Community Health Grand Rounds are held every Tuesday at noon at the Memorial Campus and are televised at the Health Center and HealthAlliance Hospital. Second and third year resident Balint group and afternoon didactics follow Grand Rounds.
Didactics cover a wide array of medical, community health, and behavioral medicine topics as well as procedural skills and topics in practice management. Each month, the second and third year residents lead OB rounds as well as Journal Club. Morning lecture occurs daily at HealthAlliance Hospital after sign out. The resident staff is directly involved in several ongoing QA projects at the Health Center. Interns have one dedicated Tuesday afternoon per month for workshops. We are constantly improving the curriculum as needs and opportunities change; therefore, the curriculum above is subject to change.
Integrated Behavioral Health: Our Behavioral Health curriculum is a strength of training at UMass and in Fitchburg. You have the support of psychologists trained to support primary care. Therapists and psychiatrists in our neighboring community health center are enthusiastic partners in treating patients with psychiatric issues as well as assistance with such issues as behavioral modification, patient non-compliance, drug seeking behavior and more.