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Support Groups

Adcare Outpatient Services
Outpatient alcohol and drug rehabilitation clinics including Early Recovery Groups. 

Adult children of Alcoholics meeting of support group
A program of women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Solutions focus to improve quality of ones present life.

Al-Anon and Alateen
A program to assist family and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend.

Alcoholics Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addiction.

Cocaine Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from cocaine addiction.

Debtors Anonymous
The purpose of the members is to remain solvent and to help other compulsive debtors to achieve solvency.

Gamblers Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.

A network of positive support groups for living free of alcohol and other drugs

Marijuana Anonymous
The program uses the basic 12 step program of recovery founded by Alcoholics Anonymous.

MA Tobacco Control Quitline
The program offers free telephone and internet counseling and keeps a directory of local smoking cessation programs.

MOAR -Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery mini-guide - prevention and treatment resources, parent support group lists, Addiction Recovery Education Access Service 

Moderation Managment
Moderation Management (MM) is a behavioral change program and national support group network for people concerned about their drinking and who desire to make positive lifestyle changes. MM empowers individuals to accept personal responsibility for choosing and maintaining their own path, whether moderation or abstinence. MM promotes early self-recognition of risky drinking behavior, when moderate drinking is a more easily achievable goal.

Narcotics Anonymous
The website for the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous.

Nicotine Anonymous
The program uses the basic 12 step program of recovery founded by Alcoholics Anonymous.

Overcoming Addiction Resources

Overeaters Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous offers a program of recovery from compulsive eating.

SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery helps people recover from all types of addiction and addictive behaviors, including: drug abuse, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities. Participants learn tools for recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups.

State Without Stigma Resources - Massachusetts

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Federal government website with information, publications and links