Celebrating a Beautiful Mind Series: Asian Brush Painting
Tower Hill Botanical Garden Cooking Demonstration with Community HealthLink
Genesis Club Cooking Demonstration
Dual Diagnosis Theatre- A story of Perseverance through Drama Therapy
Tower Hill Botanic Garden Cooking Demonstration with Community Healthlink
"It's Bean a Journey"- an Expressive Arts production in collaboration with Genesis Club and Lesley University
COVID-19 and Mental Health: A Dialogue Between UMass Psychiatry and China (left); UMass Psychiatry faculty visiting Shanghai Mental Health Center, China (right)
Visting our collaborators at the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China (left), and at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China (right)
An American Chinese Medical Association delegation led by Dr. Fan visiting Beijing, China (left); Visiting the Shanghai Mental Health Center, China (right)
Schizophrenia has a lifetime prevalence of about 1% worldwide with annual associated costs estimated to be more than $150 billion in the United States. Further, individuals with schizophrenia have a mean life expectancy about 15 years shorter than the general population. Despite continuous improvements in medications and traditional “talk” therapy used to treat this condition, many individuals who suffer from schizophrenia are unable to return to their full potential. An estimated 33% with schizophrenia do not receive clinically significant benefit in symptom reduction with currently available treatments, highlighting an unmet need for novel approaches to treat this serious mental illness (SMI).
For more information about any of our current studies, please contact us:
Phone: 508-856-Mind(6463)
Email: Mind@umassmed.edu