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Join the UMass Chan Pride List


The UMass Chan Pride List was created to promote networking, visibility, and informal mentoring within the UMass Chan LGBTQ+ community (Faculty, Staff, Students, and trainees)The UMass Chan Pride List is for people who identify as a part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Thank you in advance for participating in the UMass Chan Pride List! We are now accepting entries and when the list reaches a critical mass, we will publish the Pride List directory here. Look for a notice in UpNext! diversity events email.

It is an external list, visible to the public. By filling out the form, you are agreeing to allow your information to be published. You may withdraw or change your information by submitting the same form below designating it as an update.

Thank you for participating in the UMass Chan Pride List! We appreciate your time and dedication to the LGBTQ+ community here at UMass Chan Medical School. We would like to thank the leaders of QMass (LGBTQ+ student interest group), whose idea it was to create this list 

For any questions about the form or list, please email the Diversity and Inclusion Office which supports this list

Registration/Update Form

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