Check out what's going on in the Woo!
UMass Chan is located in a vibrant, diverse and multilingual community! Worcester is the second largest city in Massachusetts, home to individuals from across the globe, and a hub of social, political, and athletic events! Our medical center is committed to fostering the health and well-being of our community, so find some time to connect and get involved here in Central Massachusetts!
Many activities in Worcester have discounts for students, so be sure to identify yourself as a UMass Chan student!
Things to do in the Woo:
Worcester Living and Resources | Destination Worcester MA | The Berkshires | Boston Travel Guide | Mechanics Hall | Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts | Worcester Art Museum | Tower Hill Botanic Garden
Below are the links to the 3 schools:
Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Home

Staying on track: