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Updated Respiratory Illness Guidance for UMass Chan Students 

(updated 2/6/2025)


It is the professional responsibility of ALL students to abide by the following guidelines for the continued safety of our students, faculty, and patients alike. Effective immediately, UMass Memorial and UMASS Chan have taken a standardized approach for Covid-19, Flu and RSV. The guidelines are as follows for respective UMass Chan programs as noted below:


  • Students in programs without patient contact are no longer required to report positive Covid-19 test results to SHS.
  • Students experiencing any symptoms of a respiratory illness such as fever, sore throat, cough, runny or stuffy nose should stay home and stay away from others and follow the guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. While wearing masks is not required in non-clinical areas of UMass Chan campus, it is always welcomed and encouraged. Anyone returning to campus following a respiratory illness is strongly encouraged to wear a mask for 5 days to prevent further spread.

MA DPH WEBSITE : Staying home to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses |



UMass Chan students that have patient contact at any UMass  Memorial sites through their clinical or rotation experiences are to follow the protocol below. This information can be found on the SHS website.  If you have any questions, please contact Student Health.

Additional General UMASS Chan Student Respiratory Illness Guidance  

  • Testing is encouraged but no longer required.
  • You are no longer required to report your symptoms to Student Health.
  • Do not come to school, lab or clinical/rotation if you are ill to prevent spread.

 Please follow the guidelines below to self- return after your illness.

NOTE: If you test positive for Covid- 19 and you are on a rotation at UMass Memorial on any DMH Units (e.g., PTRC, 8 East): COVID-positive HCWs must remain out of rotation for at least five days.

If you are immunocompromised, you will need to remain out of rotation for 10 days.

 General Self-Return to Clinical/Rotation Criteria 

  • Fever-Free: No fever (<100.4°F) for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  • Free from GI Symptoms and without documented bacterial or protozoan infection: Non-Direct Care Roles: At least 24 hours without diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Direct Care Roles: At least 72 hours without diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Respiratory Symptoms: Significant symptom improvement, especially cough, for at least 24 hours without medication.

 UMass Memorial Sites/ Precautions Post-Return

 Must wear a surgical mask for at least five days post-return.

  • Immunocompromised HCWs *** must mask for 10 days. (see definition)
  • Breaks: HCWs should take breaks in separate locations to minimize transmission risk.

 ***Definition of Moderately to Severely Immunosuppressed HCWs 

  • Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: <1-year post-transplant and/or not cleared by a BMT physician.
  • Solid Organ Transplant: <6 months post-transplant or recent anti-rejection treatment (e.g., steroids, ATG, anti-CD56).
  • B-cell (Anti-CD20) Therapy: Received Rituximab, Ocrelizumab, Ofatumumab, or Epratuzumab in the past six months.
  • CAR-T Therapy: Within 1 year and not cleared by a BMT physician.
  • Active Leukemia/Lymphoma Treatment: Undergoing chemotherapy.
  • HIV Positive: CD4 count <100.

Exposure Protocol

  • Potentially Exposed HCWs at work or outside of work are not required to test but should monitor for symptoms.
  • If symptoms develop, please follow the guidlines above.

If you are at an away rotation, please follow that institution’s respiratory illness guidelines.

  • If you have any additional medical questions or concerns, and/or feel that your health conditions may put you at risk for severe symptoms and treatment may be needed, please contact your Primary Care Provider, or seek evaluation at an urgent care clinic in your area. Additional information can be found on the DPH website:

Staying home to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses |