Title: TEST-Translating Evidence to Support Transitions: Improving Outcomes of Youth in Transition with Psychiatric Disabilities by Use and Adoption of Best Practice Transition Planning
Dates: 9/30/2015 – 9/29/2020
Funding: $748,557
PI: Marsha Ellison, Ph.D.
Description: The goal of the newly funded Translating Evidence to Support Transitions (TEST) grant is to increase the use and adoption of research-based best practices in transition planning services for high school students with EBD receiving special education services. Outcomes from TEST include the development of guides and curricula for practicing and implementing best practices in transition planning for students with EBD. We anticipate wide scale adoption and use of TEST practices by special education transition teams across the US, which will in turn improve employment and education outcomes for this vulnerable group. All TEST activities will be built on an implementation science framework and guided by knowledge translation principles. Over the five year project timeline, data and feedback will be collected at each step in order to continually improve TEST materials.
Personnel: Co Investigators: Maryann Davis, Ph.D., Sloan Huckabee, Ph.D., Deanne Unruh, Ph.D., Catherine Fowler, Ph.D., David Test, Ph.D., Joann Starks, ME.d., Mary Wagner, Ph.D., UMass Chan Project Personnel: Lauren Davis, B.S., Laura Golden, B.A.