Title: The Learning & Working During the Transition to Adulthood Rehabilitation Research & Training Center (2019-2024)
Dates: 10/1/2019-9/30/2024
Funder: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
Funding: $ 4,374,975
Co-PIs: Maryann Davis, Ph.D. & Marsha Ellison, Ph.D.
Director of Research: Kathryn Sabella, Ph.D.
Director of Knowledge Translation: Marsha Ellison, Ph.D.
Description: The Learning and Working During the Transition to Adulthood RRTC (L&W RRTC) will develop and share new knowledge about core concepts, interventions, and policies to improve the transition to employment for the 6.5 million 14-30-year-olds with Serious Mental Health Conditions (SMHC) in the U.S. The need to improve their transition to employment is urgent. This population struggles greatly to complete secondary school, attain postsecondary credentials, and secure employment. Failure to successfully enter the labor market may begin a lifetime of employment related challenges and contribute to a life of poverty and dependence on Federal benefits.
The mission of the L&W RRTC is to use the tools of research and knowledge translation to help ensure that policies, programs, and supports for Y&YAs with SMHC help them build the cornerstones that support successful long-term adult work lives.
The proposed RRTC will conduct a coordinated and comprehensive set of activities that will; (1) further the evidence base for interventions that build these capacities, (2) explore factors that contribute to successful transitions to employment in vulnerable subgroups of Y&YAs with SMHC, (3) provide national statistics on how Y&YAs with SMHC and their vulnerable subgroups are faring in education and employment, and (4) explore barriers and facilitators to access that Y&YAs with SMHC have to WIOA-mandated services for students with disabilities and to Career and Technical Education. Through state of the science knowledge translation processes, the L&W RRTC will speed capacity-building for service providers, the movement of findings into practice and policy, and prepare the future research workforce in this area. The L&W RRTC’s activities are deeply embedded in the participatory involvement of Y&YAs with SMHC, their families, service providers and policy experts.