PRogram in Support of Mothers (PRISM): An Innovative Stepped-Care Approach for Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics

Title: PRogram in Support of Mothers (PRISM): An Innovative Stepped-Care Approach for Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics
Dates: 9/30/2015 - 9/29/2020
Funder: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Funding: $2,499,000

Description: The primary goal of this project is to refine, evaluate, and disseminate a new low-cost and sustainable stepped care program for Obstetrics/Gynecology (Ob/Gyn) clinics that will improve perinatal women’s depression treatment rates and outcomes. PRISM aims to improve perinatal depression treatment and treatment response rates through: (1) access to immediate resource provision/referrals and psychiatric telephone consultation for Ob/Gyn providers; (2) clinic-specific implementation of stepped care, including training support and toolkits; and, (3) proactive treatment engagement, patient monitoring, and stepped treatment response to depression screening/assessment. PRISM builds on a low-cost and widely disseminated population-based model for delivering psychiatric care in primary care settings developed by our team – MCPAP for Moms. Our pilot work in real-world settings suggests PRISM is feasible and improves depression detection and treatment in Ob/Gyn settings. Because it uses existing infrastructure and resources, PRISM has the potential to be feasible, sustainable and transportable to other practice settings.