Supplement Piloting Signs of Safety: A Deaf-Accessible Therapy Toolkit for Alcohol Use Disorder and Trauma

Title: Supplement Piloting Signs of Safety: A Deaf-Accessible Therapy Toolkit for Alcohol Use Disorder and Trauma
Dates: 9/1/2019-7/31/2021
Funder: NIH/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Funding:  $438,956
PI: Melissa Anderson, Ph.D.


This diversity supplement supports the mentorship and training of postdoctoral fellow under award R34AA026929, “Piloting Signs of Safety: A Deaf-Accessible Therapy Toolkit for AUD and Trauma.”  The 11-month program of formal postdoctoral training, hands-on research experiences, and interdisciplinary mentorship activities will advance the postdoctoral fellow towards their goal of becoming an NIAAA-funded researcher who creates and disseminates Deaf-accessible, evidence-based alcohol treatment interventions. Our lab at UMass Chan Medical School (UMass Chan) is ideally and uniquely suited to provide these formative professional development experiences, as we are currently spearheading the first-ever behavior therapy randomized controlled trial (RCT) within the Deaf population.