Try out the new upgrades to the SCOPE multi-photon microscopes!

In 2019, the SCOPE undertook an ambitious upgrade project to upgrade two custom, home-built multi-photon microscopes in partnership with Bliq Photonics.
Bliq Photonics’ Video-rate Microscopy System (VMS) freatures a high-speed polygonal scanner coupled with sensitive detectors, with video-rate acquisition speeds of 35 frame per second at 1024 by 512 pixels. In comparison to the original resonant scanners, the VMS’ polygonal scanner provides a constant linear scan and extremely precise laser positioning, enabling a larger field of view for image capture.
The Bliq Photonics technology allows the use of the existing microscope bodies, much of the optical path, detectors, and powerful Spectra Physics Insight DeepSee laser, capable of tuning from 800-1300 nm, while upgrading the scanning hardware, control electronics, and the instrument control software. Custom perfusion systems and temperature control enable live-cell and live-tissue slice imaging on these systems and will be implemented on the upgraded platforms.
Now with SLAM super resolution and AXICON volumetric imaging!