Imaging Week 2018

Imaging Week 2018 events
Tuesday November 13, 12 noon -1 pm, AS8-2072
Bringing Sub-cellular Biology into Focus: Super-Resolution Microscopy
Paul Goodwin, MS, Science Director GE Healthcare, Lifesciences.
Tuesday November 13, 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm, AS6-2072
Gentle Imaging of Fragile Samples with Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
Courtney Akitake, PhD, ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions
Wednesday November 14, 10am - 11 am, AS6-2072
Abberior STED: below 30nm resolution in cells
Karsten Bahlmann, PhD, Abberior Instruments America.
Wednesday November 14, 2 pm - 3 pm, AS8-1044
Optical Methods Supergroup: Tissue Clearing and Expansion Microscopy
Thursday November 15, 12:15 pm, LRB 716
Advanced Quantitative Imaging at UMass Chan
Christina Baer, PhD, SCOPE director and Assistant Professor, MaPS.
Friday November 16, 3 pm, ASC auditorium
19th Fredric S. Fay Memorial Lecture