When completing forms requesting information about Other Support (which NSF and others call “Current and Pending Support”) provide detailed and comprehensive information on all forms of research support, including support from foreign sources and gifts, regardless of the sponsoring entity.
Disclose all compensated or uncompensated external affiliations, especially affiliations with foreign organizations, in all grant proposals and progress reports. Such affiliations can be disclosed via your bio sketch or other applicable section of the proposal. If you have an affiliation that should be disclosed and are unsure where or how to disclose the information, please contact your analyst in the Office of Sponsored Programs for guidance. We will work with you to ensure full transparency of this information to the sponsor.
1. Key Reminders
- Read sponsor guidelines, Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), proposal questions, and award documents carefully to ensure that you and other project personnel are correctly answering the questions that address foreign engagements, foreign affiliations, and foreign components and collaborations, as required by the sponsor.
- Review agency definitions to verify that your interpretation of your sponsor's Terms and Definitions is correct. The Office of Sponsored Programs and your sponsor's program and grants management staff can be contacted with questions about definitions.
2. Reporting Training Awards, Gifts, and Prizes / Institutional Support
- Key Personnel must disclose start-up packages and support for research from entities other than the applicant institution, even if the research will be carried out at another institution; and institutional grants and awards that are “separately budgeted and accounted for” per the Uniform Guidance.
- Key Personnel are not responsible for disclosing start-up packages from the applicant institution in any form; gift funds that meet the formal definition of a gift; endowed chair funds and other endowment allocations.
3. Reporting In-Kind Support
- Key Personnel must disclose in-kind resources that are uniquely available to key personnel (office/laboratory space, equipment, supplies, employees) including those available outside the applicant institution; details about in-kind personnel who are expected to work directly on a proposed project; report details of in-kind support in the Facilities and Other Resources section or in Other Support section of the application; report details of individuals who have expended at least one month of effort during the year (compensated or uncompensated) in the annual report (no change from prior regulations).
- Key Personnel are not responsible for disclosing institution-wide resources such as core facilities or shared equipment that are made broadly available.
4. Reporting of Appointments and Affiliations
- Key personnel must disclose affiliations or appointments that are likely to be cited in NIH-funded publications in the biosketch section of the application.
- All appointments must also be disclosed in the Conflict Disclosure System.