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The license to practice medicine is a privilege granted solely by state medical boards. Each state board sets its own rules and requires specific documentation in compliance with the state’s licensure regulations. It is each state board’s responsibility to assure the public that the practice of medicine will be conducted with skill and safety. No information will be released to a licensing agency without a “Release of Information Form” signed by the graduate, specifically giving permission to release any and all information regarding his/her education.

Transcripts are NOT sent as part of the certifying process unless a signed release form or letter is received from the graduate.

There are as many different licensure forms as there are state licensing boards. Most licensing boards require the following:

  • Certification of the medical or nursing degree, completed directly on the form.
  • Date of certification
  • Certified copy of the medical or nursing school diploma stating "this is to certify that this is a true copy of the original diploma."
  • The institutional seal and signature (stamp or original) of authorizing official.