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Steven Baccei Appointed Chief of Medical Affairs

Steven Baccei, MD Chief of Medical Affairs, UMass Memorial HC
Steven Baccei, MD
Chief of Medical Affairs

We are pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Steven Baccei, MD will assume a new leadership role within UMass Memorial Healthcare.

Since March 2023, Dr. Baccei and Dr. Kobayashi have served as Interim Co-Chief Medical Officers while continuing in their respective positions as Associate Chief Medical Officer and Chief Quality Officer. Today, we are excited to confirm their permanent appointments:

• Dr. Steven Baccei will become Chief of Medical Affairs.
• Dr. Kimiyoshi Kobayashi will become Chief Medical Officer.

In his role, Dr. Baccei will continue to oversee Medical Staff Services and chair the Medical Executive Committee in addition to overseeing research collaboration for UMass Memorial Medical Center. He will also serve as the executive for Graduate Medical Education, Ethics, and APPs.

During his interim tenure as Co-CMO, Dr. Baccei supported and led multiple efforts to improve operational and organizational projects including serving as executive sponsor of the Medical Staff Services operational improvement and reorganization efforts; Chair for the Academic Missions Workgroup and Co-Chair of the Graduate Medical Education Committee; and Lead for the Medical Center Clinical Research Review and Optimization initiative. During his time as an Associate Chief Medical Officer, Steve was integral to clinical advancements that have benefited patients and caregivers alike, such as the Memorial Campus Inpatient Consult Timeliness Improvement work and introduction of Midline catheters to the Medical Center. Dr. Baccei has also overseen the Radiology Peer Review Program, Actionable Findings Notification, and co-developed and implemented the coordination of PACU and critical care support following invasive procedures. Dr. Baccei also previously served as UMass Memorial Medical Center’s Medical Staff President.

Steve is a practicing Musculoskeletal Radiologist, professor of Radiology and has also served as the Vice-Chair, Quality, Safety, and Process Improvement in Radiology since 2015. He received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Boston College and his Medical Degree from New York Medical College before completing his Radiology residency at New England (Tufts) Medical Center and fellowship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Baccei will report to Andrew Karson, MD, MPH, System Chief Physician Executive and Interim President of the Medical Group.