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Dr. Batgeral Byambaakhuu Completes Short-Term Visiting Fellowship

Short term fellow from Mongolia
Birthday party for Batgeral Byambaakhuu with Dr Sutman's family. Oscar (1st grand son of Renee and Eric), Renee (daughter in law), Andrew (1st son), Batgeral, Henry (2nd grand son of Renee and Eric), Eric (2nd son)
Dr. Batgeral Byambaakhuu from Mongolia successfully completed her UMass Radiology short-term visiting fellowship program this past August. This summer fellowship, which had been paused due to the pandemic, resumed this year. During her month-long stay, Dr. Batgeral participated in daily MRI read-out sessions and attended a radiology conference, further enhancing her skills and knowledge in medical imaging.
Dr. Batgeral expressed heartfelt thanks to the department for organizing her visit, stating, "I learned a lot here; it was a significant experience in my life." She also extended special thanks to Randa Mowlood and the secretarial staff for their assistance in providing access to the necessary resources.
Professor Young Kim, the mentor of the program, commented, "It is always a humbling experience to interact with someone eager to learn and improve their skills for the medical service in their country. It is a privilege to be a part of this program."
As in previous years, Dr. Batgeral stayed at the home of Dr. Patricia Sutman, a former faculty member. The continued support from Dr. Sutman and her family, in providing room and board, played a crucial role in the program’s success.