Dr. Jerry Balikian Passes

It’s with great sadness that I share the email below that I just received from Dr. Balikian’s son Ara, letting us know that Jerry passed away last Friday.
Jerry was the Division Chief of Chest Radiology at UMass for over 20 years. He was Professor of Radiology, and if I remember correctly had tenure. Anyone who worked here more than 10 years ago likely had many fond interactions with Dr. Balikian. He was a mainstay of the Radiology department and retired in 2015. For those of you in the department who did not have the pleasure of knowing and working with Jerry – he was one of the most gracious, dedicated, and optimistic Radiologists I have ever worked with. He is the inspiration for our Jerry Balikian “Extra Mile” award.
Created in 2017, and supported by a permanent endowment, the award recognizes one resident per year who continually goes the extra mile in their job. The award is named in honor of Jerry Balikian, MD who truly exemplified going the extra mile during all his years at UMass Chan.
Radiology Balikian Award (umassmed.edu)
I have a attached a picture of Dr. Balikian and his family from his retirement party on September 24, 2015 as fond memory of Jerry’s years at UMass.
Jerry's son in an email to department chair Max Rosen said "I wanted you to know that my father passed away peacefully on Friday. At the end, he was hospitalized at BWH. We did everything medically possible to bring him to better health, but it was his time. The last x-ray he read was his own, at the hospital - and he diagnosed himself accurately."
Ara Balikian
Link to his obituary. https://www.bedrosianfuneralhome.com/obituaries.html