RSNA Fleischner Glossary of Terms Podcast - Alexander Bankier, MD, PhD

Alexander Bankier, MD, PhD, Division Chief of Cardiothoracic Imaging, participated in an RSNA podcast discussing the recently published updated Fleischner glossary of terms for thoracic imaging.
The “Fleischner Glossary” is of pivotal importance for the thoracic radiology community, as it defines the use of terms and terminology in this field. The Glossary is also important for associated fields, such as pulmonology, thoracic pathology, thoracic surgery, and education. This is reflected by four editorials from these fields that have accompanied the publication of the Glossary. It is one of the most read and cited publications in thoracic imaging and serves clinical, educational, and research purposes. Since its online publication on February 27th, the Glossary has been downloaded over 28,000 times (as of this morning) and, with an Altmetric score of 265 (as of this morning) is in the 99th percentile of attention ranking in general biomedical research. The Glossary is also receiving vivid attention on social media around the globe and was featured, among others, in Aunt Minnie.
Dr. Lauren Kim discusses the updated Fleischner Society glossary of terms for thoracic imaging with Dr. Alexander Bankier, Dr. Ann Leung, and Dr. Heber MacMahon.
Bankier AA, MacMahon H, Colby T, Gevenois PA, Goo JM, Leung ANC, Lynch DA, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Tomiyama N, Travis WD, Verschakelen JA, White CS, Naidich DP. Fleischner Society: Glossary of Terms for Thoracic Imaging. Radiology. 2024 Feb;310(2):e232558. doi: 10.1148/radiol.232558. PMID: 38411514; PMCID: PMC10902601.
Members of the Fleischner Society have compiled a glossary of terms for thoracic imaging that replaces previous glossaries published in 1984, 1996, and 2008, respectively. The impetus to update the previous version arose from multiple considerations. These include an awareness that new terms and concepts have emerged, others have become obsolete, and the usage of some terms has either changed or become inconsistent to a degree that warranted a new definition. This latest glossary is focused on terms of clinical importance and on those whose meaning may be perceived as vague or ambiguous. As with previous versions, the aim of the present glossary is to establish standardization of terminology for thoracic radiology and, thereby, to facilitate communications between radiologists and clinicians. Moreover, the present glossary aims to contribute to a more stringent use of terminology, increasingly required for structured reporting and accurate searches in large databases. Compared with the previous version, the number of images (chest radiography and CT) in the current version has substantially increased. The authors hope that this will enhance its educational and practical value. All definitions and images are hyperlinked throughout the text. Click on each figure callout to view corresponding image. © RSNA, 2024 Supplemental material is available for this article. See also the editorials by Bhalla and Powell in this issue.