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Residents Crushing Cancer

Residents Crushing CancerCommunities Crushing Cancer is an initiative aimed at raising awareness about the importance of cancer screening. On November 16, 2023, radiology residents at UMass Chan Medical School engaged with patients, families, and members of the local community to educate and promote screening examinations and provide them with informational brochures about the process. In collaboration with the Resident and Fellow Section of the Massachusetts Radiological Society, residents from UMass and other programs across the state made this a far-reaching and impactful service to our surrounding communities.”

Just wanted to share a few photos and the accompanying flyer from the “Communities Crushing Cancer” event that took place yesterday at sites all across the state of Massachusetts. Our residents did a fantastic job here at the UMass campus, and had the best turn-out of any program in the state!! I’m so proud of the work they put into the event!

Chip Watts, MD, Residency Program Director