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Praise for Leah Berthiaume

A note sent to Julie Dingui, mammography supervisor and Marcia Amaral, director of radiology operations, Memorial campus.

Leah Berthiaume, Mammography Technologist
Leah Berthiaume, BS,RT(R)(M)

Hi Julie and Marcia,

Wanted to notify you of a compliment we received regarding Leah Berthiaume.

We received a wonderful compliment in our office from [a patient] who stated “I was recalled from screening for right breast asymmetry on July 7, 2020 at 2:15 pm.  I would like to compliment LEAH (I believe was her name) for making me feel very comfortable during what can be an anxious time. She was very professional, instructional (during COVID procedures), and informational.  Great job!”

I notified Leah and thanked her but I wanted to let you know as well.


Alyssa Miranda RN, BSN
Patient Advocate
UMass Memorial Medical Center

Previous praise for Leah