Dr. DeBenedectis Receives AUR Award

AUR Citation of Merit
Dr. DeBenedectis
We are happy to inform you that your presentation, Teaching Faculty About Diversity and Inclusion: How to Bring Along Disinterested Faculty, was one of the top scoring presentations at the AUR 2019 meeting and has won a Certificate of Merit from the Association of University Radiologists. The AUR is piloting a program in which individual talks from the AUR annual meeting were scored by moderators as high quality as well as appropriateness for online archiving...
Our goal was to select the best talks at this year’s AUR meeting so that we could share them with our members and the public in perpetuity...
All the best,
Jonathan H. Chung, MD
Chair, AUR Electronic Communications Committee
Petra J. Lewis, MBBS, FACR
AUR President