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Letter from the Chair

Date Posted: Friday, March 18, 2016

Max Rosen, MD - Radiology Department ChairDear All,

Welcome to almost spring!  This month’s newsletter features profiles of new department members Dr. Sean Wilson (Interventional Radiology) and Ms. Mandi Bechtel (Director of Anatomic Services). In addition we profile Takamitsu Tamura, MD, PhD (a visiting scholar at our New England Center for Stroke Research), as well as compliments that I received for Dr. Karam and Dr. Massari.  As we continue to develop our “new” Division of Translational Anatomy, we showcase the initial 3D printing efforts of Dr. Yasmin Carter.

Some of the social and educational highlights of the next few months include “Radiology Research Night – April 26”, an open house for our new 3T MRI at Shrewsbury St (April 27) and the annual Smith Lecture and Resident/Fellow graduation on June 16. We will also be holding a celebration of our new Radiology Education space – tentative planned for mid-late May.

Please make sure to check out the “Epic Updates”. We have successfully completed the collaborative design sessions and will soon be entering the “build” phase. I want to personally thank everyone in the department who has contributed their time, energy, expertise and collaboration which has made the design phase such a success.

In addition to the NCAA March Madness, March is also the time of the national resident match.  I’m pleased to announce that we had a very good year, and have matched all 5 of our residency spots for the class of ‘17.  Thanks to Gabi Carbone and Kathy Delongchamp for organizing and running our interview process and Joe Makris, Carolynn DeBenedectis, Christopher Cerniglia, Monique Tyminski, and Heeseop Shin for a successful “match”.

For those of you who prefer to read the newsletter as a web-page, rather than from the individual e-mail links, Charlene has added a “read as a web-page” link to the newsletter.

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns.
