Idea Board: March
Date Posted: Friday, March 18, 2016
NAME(S): Diane Ryan DATE: 12/15 What is the problem/waste? Not enough computers in clinci area for techs to share. Idea: Obtained a WOW from Radiology SS that was not being used. Date the idea was implemented: January 14, 2016 |
What is the problem/waste? Bone Density room needs to have Imagecast access to improve workflow Idea: IT installed min computer with toggle switch Date the idea was implemented: 1/8/2016 |
NAME(S): Maria Nolan DATE: 12/2015 What is the problem/waste? Need to communicate simple imaging instructions for non-English speaking patients, when interpreter has departed. Idea: Worked with interpreter services and created laminated signs in multiple languages with simple phrases. Date the idea was implemented 1/19/2016 |
NAME(S): Linda DATE: 1/2016 What is the problem/waste? Investigated the possibility of getting glucometer for the department. Idea: It was ultimatedly decided that for the number of times it would be used a month and all the training and upkeep required, it was not worth the investment. Not implemented. |
NAME(S): Darlene L. DATE: 1/2016 What is the problem/waste? Issue in short stay with diabetic patients who are kept NPO Idea: Orders will be changed to address that diabetic patients will have a finger stick blood sugar ordered and done in short stay to avoid the short stay nurses coming to Angio to do it. Date the idea was implemented: 2/2/2016 |
NAME(S): Cynthia T. DATE: 1/2016 What is the problem/waste? Need to organize very messy war zone of supplies. Idea: Added a supply cabinet that was no longer being used elsewhere to Room 4 procedure room. Date the idea was implemented: 2/2/2016 |
NAME(S): Heather DATE: 1/2016 What is the problem/waste? Problem with patients showing up at the wrong campus instead of Memorial on a daily/ multiple times per day. Idea: Schedulers educated on reminder calls, technique and future process in place. Date the idea was implemented: 2/2/2016 |
NAME(S): Penny DATE: 1/2016 What is the problem/waste? Problem was that the signs and symptoms were no appearing in PeerVue and was creating extra work for coders to go into Imagecast to look at field. Idea: Worked with John Howe and this field now crosses into PV. Date the idea was implemented 2/2016 |
NAME(S): Ginny R. DATE: 1/2016 What is the problem/waste? Reduce confusion and make the workflow better printing exam forms. Idea: Have printer put our front so that exam forms will print there as opposed to in the schedulers area. This will be more efficient for the front end staff. Date the idea was implemented: 2/2016 |
NAME(S): Janet R. DATE: 1/19/2016 What is the problem/waste? Not able to get ahold of Pedi Fluoro Why is this happening? Set up a voice mail in the Pedi Fluro room so they can check messages. Resource person has a phone from 3:00 PM, not really. Idea: No voice mail, set it up to call Deb P. cell for anything 24 and before Date the idea was implemented: 1/30/2016 |
NAME(S): Heather DATE: 6/29/2015 What is the problem/waste? Our staff are making all of their own confirmation calls. Takes them off the phones and not available for patients. Why is this happening? Short staffing Idea: Get automated confirmation system already in use in other departments. Date the idea was implemented: 2/2016 |