In this episode, we discuss the basics of imaging acutely traumatized patients. We explain the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 trauma centers. We discuss the idea of trauma activation in the emergency room, using the local UMass experience as an example. We describe the diagnostic evaluation process in the trauma bay. Finally, we discuss the modern imaging protocol, again using our local experience as an example.
Host: Christopher Cerniglia, DO, ME, FAOCR. Associate Professor of Radiology, Division of Musculoskeletal Imaging & Intervention, UMass Chan Dept of Radiology.
Guest: Hao Lo, MD, MBA. Associate Professor of Radiology, Division of Emergency Radiology, UMass Chan Dept of Radiology.
Trauma Center Levels Explained. American Trauma Society website.
ACS TQIP BEST PRACTICES GUIDELINES IN IMAGING. In conjunction with ACR, ASER; 2018.…ng_guidelines.ashx