Classifying and categorizing ovarian masses can feel like a daunting task for radiology trainees. In this episode Dr. Alan Goldstein will discuss with us his approach to these lesions to help simplify the process. First, a few mimics and pitfalls will be presented. Then Dr. Goldstein will break down the three basic types of ovarian tumors with an emphasis on imaging features:
1. First, make sure the mass is truly ovarian in origin
(A) Appendiceal mucocele, peritoneal inclusion cyst, hydrosalpinx, subserosal fibroid, endometrioma, metastasis
2. Then break it down
(A) Epithelial tumors (cystic with solid components)
– Benign
– Borderline
– Malignant
(B) Sex cord stromal tumors (solid with cystic components)
– Fibroma
– Other stuff
(C) Germ cells tumors (bizarre masses in young patients)
– Dermoid cyst
– Other stuff
Hosts: Christopher Cerniglia, DO, ME, FAOCR. Associate Professor of Radiology, Division of Musculoskeletal Imaging & Intervention, UMass Chan Dept of Radiology. Hao Lo, MD, MBA. Associate Professor of Radiology, Division of Emergency Radiology, UMass Chan Dept of Radiology.
Guest: Alan Goldstein, MD. Assistant Professor of Radiology & Division Chief of Abdominal Imaging, UMass Chan Dept of Radiology.