In this episode we discuss Gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCA) or media (GBCM). Building on previous discussions of MRI safety (Ep9 & 11) and Contrast and Adverse Reactions from Ep 5 & 6, this episode will introduce MRI contrast agents (GBCA or GBCM), their make-up, categories and general safety profiles. m including some of the inherent safety issues that arise from them; the concept of safety zones and its importance; examples of unique safety issues in MRI, and the screening process. Summary of some common GBCA and their trade names includes:
Gadoteridol (ProHance) - Macrocyclic - Nonionic
Gadobutrol (Gadavist) - Macrocyclic - Nonionic
Gadoterate (Dotarem) - Macrocyclic - Ionic
Gadodiamide (Omniscan) - Linear - Nonionic
Gadoversetamide (Optimark) - Linear - Nonionic
Gadobenate (MultiHance) - Linear - Ionic
Gadopentetate dimeglumine (Magnevist) - Linear - Ionic
This is part one of a two-part series on the basics of GBCA.
Host: Hao Lo, MD, MBA. Associate Professor of Radiology, Division of Emergency Radiology, UMass Chan Dept of Radiology.
Guest: Christopher Cerniglia, DO, ME, FAOCR. Associate Professor of Radiology, Division of Musculoskeletal Imaging & Intervention, UMass Chan Dept of Radiology.
• Use of Intravenous Iodinated Contrast Media in Patients with Kidney Disease: Consensus Statements from the American College of Radiology and the National Kidney Foundation. Matthew S. Davenport, Mark A. Perazella, Jerry Yee, Jonathan R. Dillman, Derek Fine, Robert J. McDonald, Roger A. Rodby, Carolyn L. Wang, Jeffrey C. Weinreb. Radiology 2020; 294:660–668;
• ABR Noninterpretative Skills Guide 2020. content/uploads/2020/02/NIS-Study-Guide-2020.pdf