Episode 21: Imaging in the evaluation of HCC and liver transplantation (Part 1)

Episode 21: Imaging in the evaluation of HCC and liver transplantation (Part 1)

In this episode, we discuss the imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma and liver transplantation with our guest Dr. Mark Masciocchi, Director of Body MRI. Key discussion points include: 

  • Diagnosis of HCC on imaging, particularly liver MRI
  • Importance of imaging for considering patients for liver transplantation
  • Living liver donor transplantation
  • Common complications after transplantation
  • Anatomic and radiologic considerations for potential living liver donors
  • Common pitfalls in the imaging of HCC and liver transplantation


  • Catalano OA, Singh AH, Uppot RN, Hahn PF, Ferrone CR, Sahani DV. Vascular and Biliary Variants in the Liver: Implications for Liver Surgery. RadioGraphics. 2008;28(2):359-378. doi:10.1148/rg.282075099
  • Vascular and Biliary Variants in the Liver: Implications for Liver Surgery | RadioGraphics. Accessed August 24, 2020. https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/full/10.1148/rg.282075099