Episode 2: Arthritis – An approach to Hand & Wrist radiographs

Episode 2:  Arthritis – An approach to Hand & Wrist radiographs

Dr. Cerniglia presents a simple “ABCDEs” pneumonic (adapted from ABCs of Dr. Forrester’s original monograph Radiology of Joint Disease) to structure an approach to hand and wrist radiographs in patients with suspected or known arthritis:

A = Alignment
B = Bone production & density
C = Cartilage space
D = Distribution
E = Erosions
S = Soft tissues

The possible findings of each of these radiographic features are introduced.  Specific arthritis features will be discussed in more details in upcoming episodes. 


  • Brewer, AC, Flemming, DJ, Bernard, SA (2012). Chapter 2: Evaluation of the Hand Film. Arthritis in Black and White, 3rd edition. Philadelphia, PA.