
UMass Memorial - University - ACC

The Abdominal Division of the UMass Chan Radiology Department is staffed by eight, fellowship-trained radiologists who are committed to training and graduate medical education. Abdominal imaging fellows are an integral member of the division, participating in daily patient care and facilitating the performance, interpretation, and timely reporting of abdominal imaging studies.

Fellows will also be an essential member in the work-up and performance of non-vascular interventional procedures.

This ACGME accredited one-year abdominal imaging fellowship offers training in abdominal and pelvis imaging including dedicated training in MRI and nonvascular intervention.

Rotations include:

  • 12 weeks Body MR
  • 12 weeks body CT
  • 12 core US/Fluoroscopy
  • 4 core weeks Body IR (If fellow desires more IR then can increase # of weeks)
  • 4 Core PET-CT
  • 4 weeks elective: MSK, Breast Imaging, Cardiothoracic Imaging, Emergency Radiology.

Fellows participate in general teaching and research activities and have access to scheduled departmental and interdepartmental conferences.

Fellows are exposed to a diverse patient population and a wide range of abdominal disease processes in both the hospital and outpatient settings.

Fellows will have many opportunities to teach both medical students and residents and present one case conference per quarter to residents.  Fellows will be involved in various tumor boards: GU, GI pancreatico-biliary, GI colorectal, Gyn-Oncology, Hepatology-HCC and Lymphoma.

Call Duty:

During 10 call weekends, fellows assist in-house faculty in the interpretation of abdominal imaging exams at Memorial Hospital.


  • Pay is commensurate with PGY level 6.
  • Fellows have four vacation weeks (20 working days)
  • Fellows receive health care, dental and vision benefits as provided by GME to all trainees.