Cardiothoracic Imaging Research
The CTI section entertains a highly active and successful research program. This research comprehensively covers translational, experimental, clinical, and educational research. The research program benefits from the collaborative and multidisciplinary spirit of the UMass Campus, with research clusters, most of which are headed by international leaders in their respective fields. In addition, the vicinity of our Medical School and the University Hospital, as well as the numerous research clusters on and off campus, enable for undisrupted knowledge transfer and implementation of cutting-edge research into clinical practice.
Current research topics included:
- Contrast agent development for spectral X-ray imaging (in collaboration with the Biomarker Development Laboratory, UMass Chan Medical School)
- Imaging animal models of pulmonary emphysema (in collaboration with the Horae Gene Therapy Center, UMass Chan Medical School)
- Functional imaging of large and small airways
- Imaging of COPD and smoking-related disease
- Imaging of fibrosing lung disease
- CT Lung Cancer Screening
- Lung nodule detection, characterization, and radiomics
- Oncological thoracic imaging
- Development, implementation, and evaluation of novel educational tools and systems
- Experimental MRI of the respiratory system
- Eye-tracking for thoracic CT interpretation (in collaboration with the Medical Imaging Perception Laboratory, UMass Chan Medical School)
- Certainty assessment of radiological reporting (in collaboration with the Biomedical Data Mining and NLP Laboratory, Health Informatics and Implementation Science, UMass Chan Medical School)