Electives and Research

Cystic Fibrosis
Learn from dual trained Med-Peds attending physicians who see adult patients with cystic fibrosis in the inpatient as well as outpatient settings. The goal of the rotation is to expose the fellow to the growing population of adult CF patients, learn to manage their multi-organ system dysfunction, and treat acute pulmonary complications.
Practice alongside anesthesiologists to gain more experience in airway management. Fellows have an opportunity to work in the more controlled environment of the operating room to hone their technique and intubation skills. In addition, they expand their knowledge of induction medications and become more familiar with perioperative medicine.
Thoracic Surgery
Fellows learn from our thoracic trained surgeons and expand their knowledge of how to approach patients with chest malignancy and also acute pleural illnesses. Our fellows have ample opportunity to hone their skills in chest tube placement, pleurodesis, pleuroscopy, and tracheostomy management between their Interventional Pulmonary Medicine rotations and this elective.
Sleep Medicine
Our sleep trained providers will precept fellows in clinic on the University campus for patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea and other parasomnias. In addition, they have the opportunity to rotate with one of our recent graduates, Dr. Erin O’Shea Paudel, at St. Vincent Medical Center also in Worcester, MA to gain more patient exposure and to learn to directly interpret polysomnograms.
Telemedicine had been profoundly integrated to UMass’ clinical care and patient flow coordination prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This system provides nocturnal coverage for all critical care services on our main campuses as well as our satellite hospitals, and continues to globally manage patient flow coordination during the daytime. Fellows have the opportunity to step in the role of the attending intensivist and learn high level management of dozens of patients effectively with the aid of our sophisticated audio/video system that is wired into every ICU bed in UMass.
ALS Clinic
Neuromuscular disease continues to be an important topic and a regular etiology of chronic respiratory failure in the outpatient setting and in our ICUs. Work with our attendings and nurse practitioners who run a specialized clinic for patients with ALS and learn not only to manage the pulmonary ramifications of the disease, but also the humanitarian aspect of their psycho social needs in reconciling with the diagnosis.
Pulmonary Hypertension
We have a multidisciplinary clinic involving pulmonary medicine, and faculty from both the UMass system and Tufts Medical Center to manage patients with pulmonary hypertension. Learn to evaluate and treat severely ill patients under the tutelage of well known field experts.
Pulmonary Function Testing
Our division chairman, Dr. Mark Madison, cherishes the opportunity to work personally with each of our first year fellows to help them become expert interpreters of PFTs, a staple of pulmonary medicine. We have a very busy laboratory and a large team of respiratory therapists that allow for the volume needed for a fellow to gain competence and clear understanding in this aspect of lung physiology. Fellows also have the opportunity to undergo testing themselves to gain the full understanding of how the tests are performed and share the experience with their patients.
Fellows work closely with the UMass radiology teaching service and chest radiologists specifically to become proficient in interpreting CT scans and chest plain films. They will learn the fundamentals from the experts and then refine their skill in assessing various forms of interstitial lung disease and become more familiar with staging lung malignancy.
Research/Quality Improvement
Available to Fellows have the opportunity to complete a comprehensive research project within the course of the fellowship. Significant time is dedicated to this during the 2nd year of the program. Faculty research mentors will be provided. Fellows will also have the opportunity to participate in other scholarly activities including writing of textbooks chapters.
They will also have the opportunity to join the Critical Care Operations Committee (CCOC) that is chaired by Dr. Richard Irwin (former Editor-in-Chief of CHEST) to learn the process of implementation of quality improvement endeavors as well as facilitate the adoption of updated guidelines and evidence base care.