Student Outcomes associated with the Master’s of Science Program. Graduates will be able to:
- Lead and participate in interprofessional collaborative team practice.
- Critically appraise, synthesize, and use the best evidence to resolve problems.
- Seek innovative quality and safety solutions through the application of system principles in project development, strategic planning, and ethical decision-making.
- Build inclusive partnerships across stakeholders using effective and culturally sensitive communication strategies.
- Apply principles of cost-effective health care management and strategic policy planning to the decision-making process.
- Engage in political and health care advocacy to mitigate disparities and inequities.
- Leverage technologies to facilitate solutions to improve health outcomes and optimize the health experience.
Student Outcomes associated with Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program. Graduates will be able to:
- Innovate in nurse leadership roles as nurse practitioners, nurse executives,nurse leaders or nurse mentors;
- Fill health policy,quality improvement science and research roles;
- Collaborate with multidisciplinary team and stakeholder health care providers and health care organizations;
- Lead organizationa lsystems and health care business and financial operations; and
- Work in advanced clinical practice.
Student Outcomes associated with PhD Program. Graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate the core program values in all scholarly endeavors
- Apply philosophical and theoretical principles to scholarly inquiry
- Design, conduct and disseminate independent and collaborative research
- Critique and synthesize knowledge to advance nursing science and human health
- Assume leadership roles in research, education, policy, administration and/or professional practice.