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Transition to Residency

The transition to residency course is a 2-week intensive offered during the late Spring semester for graduating medical students.  This course is specialty-specific with the purpose of preparing the student for residency.  Some core didactic sessions are included across specialties.  Our curriculum is aligned with the recommended AAMC experience.   

Learning objectives

  1. Utilize a framework appropriately to support safe and effective patient handoff (TC)
  2. Demonstrate how IP and team dynamics impact patient care (TC)
  3. Practice application of antiracism and bias training to clinical patient and team scenarios (TC)
  4. Define specific personal and professional stressors that benefit from self-care (AAMC, UGRC) (SAE)
  5. Identify strategies for self care at work and home
  6. Develop an individualized training plan with input from multiple sources utilizing a specific model (CCGS) (SAE)
  7. Complete a self-assessment utilizing TH Chan SOM milestones (SAE)
  8. Utilize a structured process to plan and track administrative tasks (SAE)
  9. Provide foundational care (patient assessment, diagnostic plan, treatment, prevention) for patients with core discipline-specific conditions (SPP)
  10. Complete a specialty based, competency driven skills training to include a baseline procedural skills assessment (UGRC) (SPP)
  11. Practice pericode simulation in a discipline-specific scenario (SPP)
  12. Interpret basic diagnostics (chest xray, ECG…) defined by your specialty (SPP)
  13. Differentiate between patients who are in need of 3 distinct levels of care (acute, subacute, prevention) (SPP)

Note: TC = teamwork and communication; SAE = self-care, administrative and evaluation; SPP = skills, procedures and problem solving

FEB 10 2025 | cjb