Vista Curriculum
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- Vista Longitudinal Leadership
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- Horizons Phase
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Vista Curriculum
- Vista | At a Glance
- Vista Highlights
- Vista Assessments
- Vista Leadership Roles
- Vista Curriculum Committees
- Vista Longitudinal Leadership
- Discovery Phase
- Explorations Phase
- Horizons Phase
- Parallel Programs and Pathways
- Vista Development Content
Transition to Residency
The transition to residency course is a 2-week intensive offered during the late Spring semester for graduating medical students. This course is specialty-specific with the purpose of preparing the student for residency. Some core didactic sessions are included across specialties. Our curriculum is aligned with the recommended AAMC experience.
Learning objectives
- Utilize a framework appropriately to support safe and effective patient handoff (TC)
- Demonstrate how IP and team dynamics impact patient care (TC)
- Practice application of antiracism and bias training to clinical patient and team scenarios (TC)
- Define specific personal and professional stressors that benefit from self-care (AAMC, UGRC) (SAE)
- Identify strategies for self care at work and home
- Develop an individualized training plan with input from multiple sources utilizing a specific model (CCGS) (SAE)
- Complete a self-assessment utilizing TH Chan SOM milestones (SAE)
- Utilize a structured process to plan and track administrative tasks (SAE)
- Provide foundational care (patient assessment, diagnostic plan, treatment, prevention) for patients with core discipline-specific conditions (SPP)
- Complete a specialty based, competency driven skills training to include a baseline procedural skills assessment (UGRC) (SPP)
- Practice pericode simulation in a discipline-specific scenario (SPP)
- Interpret basic diagnostics (chest xray, ECG…) defined by your specialty (SPP)
- Differentiate between patients who are in need of 3 distinct levels of care (acute, subacute, prevention) (SPP)
Note: TC = teamwork and communication; SAE = self-care, administrative and evaluation; SPP = skills, procedures and problem solving
FEB 10 2025 | cjb